How To Use Baking Soda As Carpet Cleaner can help to freshen and revitalize your carpets.
More importantly, it is an inexpensive solution that will have no lasting impact on the environment and it will even help to get rid of odors and stains with ease.
You can use it in carpet cleaning machines or just sprinkled on the floor to revitalize the carpet. Depending on the type of stain you have, you will also find that a different approach to using baking soda might be your best bet.
How To Use Baking Soda as Carpet Cleaner
Removing Non-Greasy Stains
Theseare stains that don’t have an underlying residue to them. For these, all you need to do is:
1. Sprinkle a generous dusting of baking soda over it.
2. Lightly mist the stain with some hot water.
3. With it damp, you will want to allow the mixture to sit on the stain for at least 3 hours, but longer if possible. This can be something you do at night before you go to bed.
4. When you are ready, all you will need to do is vacuum the area and the stain should be gone. This will leave the carpet looking fresher. You can repeat as necessary if the stain is tricky to remove.
Removing Stains That are Greasy
This is the approach to help remove it.
1. You should begin this process by taking a rag or a paper towel and getting down to the grease stain. You will need to start blotting up as much of the grease as possible before you continue. It is important that you avoid rubbing the grease around because this can cause it to set in the carpet.
2. When that is done, sprinkle dry baking soda on the stain and allow it to sit overnight. The longer that you allow it to sit, the more grease it will be able to absorb.
3. In the morning, you will want to vacuum the area and determine if you need to do anything else. If there is still a stain there, take a little dish soap and begin to blot it into the stain to help reduce the amount of grease. This should be followed by you taking some water and a clean towel and slowly removing the soapy residue. Just make sure you continue to blot the area and you don’t scrub as this can cause the grease to spread and cause further problems later on.
4. Once this is done, dry the area until it is lightly damp. Now, you will sprinkle another layer of baking soda onto the stain. Allow it to sit for three hours and then vacuum the area again. What you should find is that the area is clean and fresh again and that the stain has been fully removed.